The Comforter Has Come
March 28, 2020
Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Jesus begins his first documented sermon talking about comforting those in need. He uses the concept of comfort connecting to mourning. All too often when we associate mourning with death but we mourn for more than just the loss of life.
It has been said that we as a country going through the suffering of loss with the events and circumstances of the Covid 19 virus. With this being the case we and our country look to be going through the different stages of grief. The five stages are – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
It is the comfort that is given to one another that helps us work through the stages and finally end at a place of acceptance. The harsh reality that so many in our world do not want to accept is that we are not in control. As christians we have learned to not only accept that fact but embrace it and flourish from understanding it. We are not dependent on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6) but find comfort in our future. (Hebrews 13:14; 1 Peter 2:11-12)
David writes on more than one occasion about the comfort only God provides. I think it is so telling that David writes these words in the midst of harsh trials. He writes in times when even his own family are looking to take his life, Times of unrest and what so many would see as the darkest hours.
As you find yourself possibly dealing with feelings you were not expecting, especially as our isolation times starts getting to feel rather long and we long for the way it was. Meditate on the passages and words from David. Look for comfort in the only place true comfort can be found and then share it with others as you are given the opportunity.
Psalm 23
Psalm 119
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